Welcome to my page about physiotherapy within the field of mental health.
I’m Titti Paulina, and here on my page, I turn to both mental health professionals, caretakers, and those of you who want to take the best possible care of yourselves. Together, we create a warm and inviting community where we can openly and honestly talk about mental health.
What can you expect here?
- Tips and tools for managing stress, anxiety, and depression
- Advice on how to improve your overall health
- Exercises and techniques to increase your body awareness and self-esteem
- Information and inspiration on sexual health
- An open and supportive community where you can share your thoughts and experiences.
Why do I talk about sexual health? A significant part of our mental health is linked to our sexuality. It forms a fundamental part of who we are and how we relate to ourselves and others. Therefore, it is only natural that I also address sexual issues on my account.
From Economist to Physiotherapist: How Economic Health and Mental Health Affect Each Other
In addition to being a physiotherapist, I am also an economist, and I view economic health as closely intertwined with mental health. However, it is important to understand that traditional financial advice does not always suit those who have grown up in dysfunctional families, or who, for example, have ADHD, autism, or suffer from trauma, depression, or anxiety. Therefore, I believe it is important to adopt a shame-free approach to personal finance that takes into account mental health and a systemic perspective on wellbeing.
I want you to feel comfortable and safe here on my page. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, share your experiences, and interact with me and others in the comments. Follow me for regular updates, tips, and inspiration on your journey towards better mental and physical health!
I hope you find my page inspiring and valuable! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me by email at info@tittipaulina.com.